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Hand Crafted  -  Hand Wound  -  Real Vintage Style

Single Coil Musical Instrument Pickups Made In USA

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'Tele type' pickups are very popular at Angeltone, and I just finished this
Angeltone 6S2 (1962 Tele style) lead pickup for a customer. The original pickup
this model was based on was Leo Fender's last Telecaster lead pickup design
before he sold Fender Musical Instruments to CBS in 1964.

This pickup has Alnico V magnets with the correct polarity and magnet 'stagger'
for a righthanded 1962 pickup, 42 gauge plain enamel coil wire, wax potting for
feedback reduction, white string wrapping to protect the pickup coil, copper plated
steel baseplate, and 'vintage correct' cloth covered 'pushback' hookup wire.

For the interested... this pickup is available in both left and righthanded versions,
either alone or in sets with a matching 50R rhythm pickup. These sets are available
in either 'stock wound' (both pickups wound the same for studio work) or RW/RP
(reverse wound/reverse polarity) for humcancelling use in live settings.

For more information, please click on this pickup photo
to go to the 62T's catalog page in this website


All of Angeltone's staggered magnet pickup models are available
in lefthanded as well as righthanded versions... at no extra cost!
Please click here for details


If you recieved righthanded Angeltone pickups from one of our promotions
(like the
Vintage Guitar Magazine's 2025 Super Pickup Giveaway)
but you're lefthanded and can't use them, you're definitely *not* out of luck.


If you get one of my righthanded pickups and you need a lefty one,
  just return it to me and I will make you a BRAND NEW lefty pickup
of the same model with ***NO CHARGE NOT EVEN FOR SHIPPING!***

Please email me at for details


See the John R. Stannard (1957-2015) Memoriam Page Here

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